
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Who can join/use Al Fakhroo App?

A. Al Fakhroo was created to bring vast network of Al Fakhroo family spread around the globe together. Any one belonging to Al Fakhroo family or connected to Al Fakhroo family via a relationship (by blood or otherwise) can join the App by using the Family Code received by them from the Ambasador/Admin or any existing member of the Al Fakhroo App.

Q. How can I be sure if only members or connections of Al Fakhroo family exist on the App.

A. Al Fakhroo App is designed in a way, that no user can sign up with the App without using a unique Family Code received by them by the Admin/Ambassador or existing member of the Al Fakhroo App.

Q. Can I control who sees my activity on the Al FakhrooApp ?

A. Yes, all members of Al Fakhroo App can select the audience of their activity while posting or uploading any content on the App.

Q. I don't see my close family on the App. How can I bring them on the App ?

A. You can invite family members or connection by sending them the unique Family Code.

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